Newsroom & Press Releases
August 23, 2020 |Summer Symposium & Expo Online
Expo is online this summer! This is a little different from how we have historically held our annual summer exposition - keeping everyone safe while appropriately recognizing the achievements of our summer researchers. Over 72 projects were presented. [Link]
August 1, 2020 | New Mass Spectrometer Upgrades
ASDRP is proud to operate two mass spectrometers, a GC-MS and LC-MS (Thermo Scientific). We are thankful for local biotech/pharma companies who have made this possible, including PharmOut Labs. To our knowledge, these are the first two mass spectrometers dedicated for high school research! The Tri-City Voice covered this in a recent article at the link to the right. [Article]
June 6, 2020 | Spring Symposium is Online!
It's symposium time! Check out a showcase of some of the research that was conducted at ASDRP in the spring of 2020 at our virtual symposium. [Link]
June 2, 2020 | Tri-City Voice: COVID-19 Research
Student researchers from four of our academic year research groups (Suresh, Downing, Le, and Njoo) were featured on the front page of the Tri-City Voice newspaper this week for their work on computational development of novel molecular strategies towards inhibition of the growth cycle of SARS-CoV-2. [Full Article]
May 23, 2020 | Senior Project: Stephanie S.
Senior Stephanie Sun successfully defended her senior project presentation for BASIS Independent High School. Stephanie has spent the year performing organic chemistry research in the Njoo group. [Link]
May 14, 2020 | Press Release: COVID-19 Research at ASDRP
The four joint investigators and over forty student researchers published online the first press release describing current research efforts at ASDRP towards development of novel drugs and molecular strategies in treating COVID-19. [Full Press Release]
November 23, 2019 | SCCUR Conference
Close to twenty summer 2019 ASDRP research students presented their work at the Southern California Conferences for Undergraduate Research (SCCUR).
August 23, 2019 | Tri-City Voice: Summer 2019 Expo
Today we hosted family, friends, and faculty at our annual Summer Research Exposition & Symposium. Read about the event and coverage from the Tri City Voice. [Full Article]
August 29, 2018 | PyKids and ASDRP
ASDRP partners with PyKids! Check out work from our 2018 cohort in the Pant group on using Python to solve a variety of real-world problems. [Full Article]
Press Releases