“Mechanistic Deconvolution of Autoreduction in Tetrazolium-based Cell Viability Assays”
ASDRP Authors
Kara Tran Dublin High School, Aashi Shah Amador Valley High School, Rittika Saha Homestead High School, Emily Liang Irvington High School, Dr. Edward Njoo Department of Chemistry, Biochemistry & Physics, Aspiring Scholars Directed Research Program
For example, tetrazolium dyes, such as 5-diphenyl tetrazolium bromide (MTT), can be used to quantify the number of living cells present in a sample. This is useful for the determination of the toxic or antiproliferative activity of certain conditions that a cell might be exposed to, such as the administration of anticancer compounds. Inside of an active, living cell, tetrazolium salts, such as MTT, are reduced to brightly-colored formazan dye counterparts....
Read the entire paper from JEI here: https://emerginginvestigators.org/articles/22-186
ASDRP Jul 12, 2024
